Loading manometer
Kimax 1 spring
Kimax 1 trailer for SG sensors
1 x display trailer
1 x sturdy stainless steel frame *
input for one or two SG sensors
* optional without stainless steel frame
Loading manometer for trailers/semitrailers
Digital loading manometer intended for use on trailers and semitrailers: The display is designed for mounting in a sturdy, waterproof stainless steel housing direct on the chassis.
The scale you take with you ...
Kimax 1, the axle load gauge for economical and convenient supervision of axle loads on vehicles, trailers and semitrailers equipped with a steel spring (leaf spring) suspension system.
Kimax 1 calculates the current axle load from the current load on the axle(s) system and displays this figure as a three-digit value.
The SG sensors has to be glued on to the axles and via electric cabel connected to the display making a compact unit to avoid external influences on the electronic components and sensors.
... and warns when limits are exceeded
Kimax 1 has two separately adjustable alarm levels. Exceeding alarm level 1 is indicated by a flashing display. Exceeding alarm level 2 switches in an internal relay. The relay signal can be used as ON/OFF input for another unit, for example an on-board computer or an external lamp.
Kimax 1 helps to achieve economical transportation, avoid fines and simultaneously optimizes the cargo weight.
SG sensors
A SG sensor installed on a leaf spring suspended axles offer you same accuracy as an air suspended axle does.
Legal requirements
Kimax 1 is a non verified device for indication of actual axle load. Local regulations like the German StVZO §70 talk about systems for axle load monitoring.
More options:
In case you need multiple axle air suspended on-board weighing, the Kimax 2 system might be a good option for you.
Axle load measurement
Kimax 1 uses the linearity between strain in the front axle and the load above the axle.: By using two reference points(empty weight and weight at maximum load) and the current measured strain, Kimax 1 calculate the current axle load with an accuracy of 2% of the maximum load.
The strain in the trailer axle will increase linearly with the load above the axle.
Load of one trailer axle is measured by one SG sensor installed in the center of the axle.
I case of two or three axles of your trailer, you get best accuracy by installing one sensor on each axle.
You can decide to group the SG sensors in one or two groups depending on layout of your trailer.
Display of reading
The Kimax 1 reads total weight of the axle/axle group when it is powered up.
By activating button you can toggle display reading between tot, pay or “Blank”
tot = total weight of axle/axle group
Pay = payload upon axle/axle group
Blank = no display reading
RS-232 serial Tx and Rx Kimax 1 has a serial output in RS-232 format, offering you the displayed value in digital format intended for on-board computers or GPS/tracking units.The serial input is for advanced setting of device.
Serial printer output Kimax 1 has serial output for most common printers.
Cabin version Intended for use in driver’s cab: The Kimax 1 display is supplied with a mount for simple installation on the dashboard.
Other Kimax products you might want to explore:
Kimax 1 Cabin, Kimax 2 radio air, Kimax 2 Radio Mixed suspension, Kimax 2 Radio Spring suspension, Kimax 2 Sensor & SG Sensor.